Power of giving: Better together

The Employee Giving Program helps King County employees support a multitude of causes from arts, culture, and humanities to mental health services, and more. We have been doing this for 35 years and it is amazing to see the positive impact King County employees can have by working – and giving – together. We can make a difference and are better together! Check out this video below to learn more about the Employee Giving Program and be a part of the change! You can make your campaign pledge here. Pledge today!

Annual Giving Drive: Reasons 15 – 22 to give

We are in the fifth week of the Employee Giving Program’s (EGP) Annual Giving Drive and are making great progress. King County has a strong history of supporting and uplifting arts, culture, and humanities that reflect creativity, shared history, and diversity of perspectives. There is a plethora of organizations that create spaces and places that build cultural wealth, connect across differences, and tell stories of vibrant communities. We’ve highlighted a few EGP organizations that are pillars in King County that specialize in arts, culture, and humanities, including a shout to Bob Ross… Read More

Annual Giving Drive: Reasons 11-13 to give

The Employee Giving Program provides thousands of ways to make a difference all through one program. During the Annual Giving Drive, King County employes have access to a wide breadth of different causes. We have spotlighted a number of organizations that represent this diversity of causes and missions. Organizations that are committed to keeping our regions natural ecosystems healthy and thriving. LGBTQ+ led organizations that create safe spaces and work for LGBTQ+ rights. Organizations that offer support and solutions for victims of domestic violence. Read more to learn about each nonprofit. You can find… Read More

Fall 2023 natural disasters: How can you help 

On Sept. 8, 2023, a shallow magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck near the town of Oukaïmedene in western Morocco. It was the largest earthquake to strike the area in a century. Sadly, thousands of people lost their lives, more injured, and the area suffered massive infrastructure damage. Survivors are receiving intensive medical care, and families need food, water, shelter, and help reuniting with loved ones. Not too long after, catastrophic flooding struck eastern Libya on Sept. 10 and 11, 2023, because of heavy rains from Storm Daniel. Additionally, the storm caused major damage to infrastructure,… Read More

Maui fires – Support disaster relief during the Annual Giving Drive

Crossposted from KC Employee Giving During the first week of August, wildfires erupted in Maui. Spurred on by dangerous winds from Hurricane Dora, the fire spread quickly, wracking devastation across the island. The resulting fires became the most devastating natural disaster the state of Hawai’i has ever seen, with a death toll of over a hundred people, thousands of homes destroyed, and the almost-complete destruction of the historic town of Lāhainā. Communities across the world mobilized in response to this crisis, from the national level down to the small, hardworking nonprofits. While… Read More

Annual Giving Drive: Reason eight

Reason eight to participate in the Annual Giving Drive is to join the movement of change agents at King County. The Employee Giving Program provides thousands of ways to make a difference and thousands of nonprofits to support, all through one program. When we act together, we change the world for the better. Join us for the Annual Giving Campaign and be part of the change. Check out the video below for more information. You can find more EGP participating nonprofit organizations online or in the 2023 King County EGP Nonprofit Giving Guide. You can… Read More

Support humanitarian efforts in the Middle East during the Annual Giving Drive

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis in the Middle East. Thousands of lives have been lost, and many more people have been injured and displaced. Many nonprofit organizations were already on the ground providing aid, and more still are working to ensure immediate and long-term humanitarian aid for Israel, Gaza, and the surrounding region. When people are in need anywhere in the world, employees want to help. The King County Employee Giving Program has several nonprofits in the program that are responding. Both short-term and… Read More

Annual Giving Drive: Reasons five through seven to give

The Annual Giving Drive is in full swing so we want to share reasons five, six, and seven on why you should participate. October includes a variety of important national and global causes dedicated to raising awareness and support. Among many of them are World Mental Health Day, Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month, and Disability Employment Awareness Month. There are several organizations in the Employee Giving Program that are leading in these areas, and we’ve highlighted a few in our most recent blog. We look forward to sharing more about the amazing non-profits throughout the drive… Read More

2023 Nonprofit Expo series begins Oct. 11

In-person nonprofit expos are back! Join the Employee Giving Program to learn about some of the nonprofits engaged in the work you care about or discover something new. Expos will take place from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and are open to all King County employees. No RSVP necessary. Wednesday, Oct. 11: King County Chinook Building Rooms 121-123 Thursday, Oct. 12: King County Elections in Renton, Mt. Rainier Room Tuesday, Oct. 24: King County Courthouse in Seattle, Presiding Judge Courtroom E-942 (9th Floor) Each Nonprofit Expo will feature 15-25 nonprofits and give you the opportunity to learn about the… Read More

35 years of giving and 35 reasons to give

The 2023 Employee Giving Program’s Annual Giving Drive is now underway, which runs from October 2 through November 17, 2023. This year is the 35th Anniversary of the Annual Giving Drive so we will be sharing 35 reasons to give throughout the drive. October includes National Substance Use Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Indigenous Peoples’ Day so we have shared organizations that are doing work in each of these areas. There are many reasons to give, so much more than 35, and we know there are myriad of causes that King County employees are passionate… Read More