Kudos! Procurement receives U.S. Communities Appreciation Award

Crossposted from DES Express

The Finance and Business Operations Division’s Procurement and Payables (P&P) Section received an Appreciation Award from U.S. Communities, the nation’s largest government purchasing alliance.

This award is a reflection of P&P’s dedication to increasing taxpayers’ savings through strategic partnerships with other agencies. P&P currently uses 11 cooperative purchasing agreements from U.S. Communities, more than any other public agency on the West Coast.

U.S. Communities honored King County at the City of Seattle’s Reverse Trade Show on July 21. P&P staff were on hand to accept the award and talk with local vendors about how they can do business with King County.

Congratulations to P&P! Feel free to stop by the section’s front desk on the third floor of Chinook to check out the plaque.