Reminder of Racially Just training for all Executive branch employees

King County has launched a new training, We Are Racially Just: Our King County Values at Work, to help ensure that we all understand what it means to be racially just and what we can do in our own work to advance racial justice at King County.

“Racial justice necessitates breaking with the status quo, disrupting business as usual, and approaching our work differently,” King County Executive Dow Constantine said. “It can be hard work and it can be uncomfortable, but in order to make progress we must lean into one of our pro-equity actions: Get comfortable with discomfort. This training will build our understanding of racial justice and give us tools to help King County become a more anti-racist, pro-equity organization.”

Executive branch employees who are computer users will be required to complete this training by Dec. 31, 2023. Employees who are non-computer users will be required to complete this training by September 2024. Employees who do not have regular access to a computer will receive alternative instructions for completing this training.

New employees must complete the training within 90 days of their date of hire as part of the onboarding process. To find the training, go to your KC eLearning NEOGOV Learn dashboard.

To see your completed trainings, click on Training and then View Course Transcript. For assistance accessing the trainings, please contact KCIT and open a HelpDesk Ticket. You can do so here online, or by calling the HelpDesk at 206-263-4357.

You will be paid for your time to take this training. Your supervisor will work with you to fit this training within your schedule. If you have any questions, please talk to your supervisor.