Maui fires – Support disaster relief during the Annual Giving Drive

Crossposted from KC Employee Giving

During the first week of August, wildfires erupted in Maui. Spurred on by dangerous winds from Hurricane Dora, the fire spread quickly, wracking devastation across the island. The resulting fires became the most devastating natural disaster the state of Hawai’i has ever seen, with a death toll of over a hundred people, thousands of homes destroyed, and the almost-complete destruction of the historic town of Lāhainā.

Communities across the world mobilized in response to this crisis, from the national level down to the small, hardworking nonprofits. While immediate disaster relief is always critical, sustained support after the news cycle moves on is just as necessary.

The King County Employee Giving Program supports many nonprofits working on the ongoing disaster response to the Maui wildfires. Workplace giving dollars are incredibly valuable for these organizations to plan for the unexpected and invest in long-term services. Disaster preparedness and community resilience is key to withstanding natural disasters, and supporting organizations year-round allows them to do this work and be ready when the time comes.  Read more.